Metaphysical Anatomy™ Technique Level 1 Certification Course
Our body is one of the things we all have from the day we are born until we let out our last breath.
Did you know that you can find and resolve almost every issue just by listening to your body?
It is always sending us messages. Do you know how to listen?
In the MAT, we work with emotions and instincts that were locked in the body at the time of trauma. Yes! We have all experienced it to a lesser or higher degree and it is THE THING that holds our patterns (especially dysfunctional ones) in place.
See my explanation of the trauma and how we use it in MAT:
The good thing about this technique is that we don't need to go back and fully immerse ourselves in the traumatic experience, we can find and unlink the "cross-wired" emotions by using our body to access it.
Because our bodies are intelligent. We have everything recorded there.😀
Want to know how it works in more detail?
Listen to our Q &A recording below and get a more in-depth picture on what this is and how learning the technique can help you to free yourself from blocks in your life.

Join me for 16 hours of training
Metaphysical Anatomy™ Technique (MAT) Level 1 Certification Course
and get an amazing tool for your development and career!
It is going to be intense, interesting, and fun!
Investment: £380/pp
Here's what we'll cover in the course:
find out how to listen to your body and find out what is really going on
heal your mind and body without having to relive the past
understand hidden subconscious stress held in your body and learn how to release emotions that lock physical challenges in place
self-sabotage and how to deal with it
learn to tap into your intuitive powers (yes - you got it too!)
learn how to use your breath to induce altered states to help your healing and also wellbeing in daily life
become your inner peacemaker between conflicting ideas and parts in you
resolve anxiety and depression in your life
learn how to disconnect from those who hinder your wellbeing
be free from negative influences of your ancestry and DNA lineage
learn to heal yourself and the world around you!
Have questions? Book a free call with me!😀
Want to know even more you awesome curious human?
See my LIVE stream recording about what is so special about MAT and why I like it so much!
To know about the history of the Metaphysical Anatomy™ technique (MAT) and it's founder Trauma Release Practitioner and Personal Development Teacher Evette Rose see my favorite video by Evette below about how it all happened.
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